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Application Timeline for Full-time Recruitments

  • Application 

    Make sure you fully update your application details and include the required attachments! Check out the close date or priority review date.


  • Application Review 

    Our search committee reviews application within 2 weeks of the position close date listed in the job posting.


  • Interview 

    Interviews typically occur 2-3 weeks after the position closes.


  • Finalist Interview 

    You will hear from us within a week whether or not you are moving to the finalist interview stage with the President and Vice President.


  • Job offer!  

    We check references and complete background checks before we make an offer. Expect to hear from us within a week from your finalist interview!


  • Welcome to the LCC Team! 

    We are eager to have new hires start as soon as they're able! We know and respect that most people provide at least a 2-week notice to their current employer and sometimes new employees are relocating so this can take anywhere from 2 - 4 weeks (or sometimes longer depending on other circumstances). 


Human Resources Information

Human Resources is dedicated to supporting the mission of the college as we provide employees with quality HR services including recruitment, benefits administration, recognition, culture programs, professional development, support and related services.

Click HERE for additional HR information and contacts. 

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Need more information on our process?

The goal of the recruitment and hiring process is to attract and hire the best talent to share in the mission and values of Lower Columbia College.

Click HERE to learn more!

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