Head Startbackground

Head Start/EHS/ECEAP

Nuturing Children and Families Since 1972

About Us

The Lower Columbia College Head Start, Early Head Start (EHS), and Early Childhood Education Assistant Program (ECEAP) provides quality early childhood education experiences. Services available to children and families who meet eligibility requirements.

Head Start and ECEAP are federally and state funded free preschool programs that serve income eligible children age 3-5 years.  Local programs consist of part-day services 3 1/2 hours a day, 3-4 days a week and run September to June.  Full-day services are 6 hours a day, 5 days a week and run September to June. Both options respect the parent as their child's most important educator. Through parent participation, both child and parent will enrich their understanding and value of education. 

Early Head Start (EHS) is a federally funded free program that serves pregnant women, infants and toddlers through weekly home visits.  It promotes healthy pre-natal care and healthy attachments and development for children from the earliest stages.

In addition to education services, programs provide children and their families with health, nutrition, social and other services. Head Start services are responsive to each child and family's ethnic, cultural and linguistic heritage.

Mission & Vision Statement

Lower Columbia College Head Start/Early Head Start/Early Childhood Education Assistance Program (ECEAP) is a holistic program that provides quality early childhood education experiences through comprehensive services that support income eligible children and families, prenatal to five.

We are committed to building healthier communities by providing school readiness to each child through:

  • Working together with each parent/guardian in their role as the primary nurturer and educator of their child
  • Nurturing each child's and family's unique qualities and potential
  • Partnering with families; building upon their strengths
  • Creating an environment that promotes respect, diversity and growth
  • Collaborating with community partners in Cowlitz County

“Our vision is that families be empowered to make a positive difference in their lives and in the community where we all live, work and learn”.

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Our Head Start/EHS/ECEAP Locations

Our Head Start/EHS/ECEAP sites span across Cowlitz County: 

  • Broadway, 1410 8th Ave. Longview, WA
  • Barnes, 401 Barnes St. Building A Kelso, WA
  • Barnes North, 401 Barnes St. Building B Kelso, WA
  • Castle Rock, 620 Roake Ave. SE Castle Rock, WA
  • LCC East, 1730 20th Ave. Longview, WA 
  • LCC West, 1720 20th Ave. Longview, WA
  • Memorial Park, 3602 Memorial Park Dr., Longview, WA 
  • Link Wallace Neighborhood & Early Learning Center, 1107 S 4th Kelso, WA
  • Longview Early Head Start Partnership, 2853 Hudson St. Longview, WA
  • Early Head Start Home-based 1410 8th Ave. Longview, WA